“Naruto Anime Revival: Special Episodes Announced”

The highly anticipated Naruto anime revival is still on the horizon! To celebrate the 20th anniversary of the beloved series, a special set of four episodes was originally scheduled for release in September 2023. However, due to a desire to enhance the quality of the animation, the release was unfortunately postponed.

While there’s no specific release date yet, recent updates from TV Tokyo suggest that these special episodes are still in production and could potentially be released sometime between 2024 and 2025. These new episodes will feature the original Team 7—Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, and Kakashi—embarking on a brand-new mission.

As fans eagerly await more information, the excitement for this Naruto revival continues to build. Stay tuned for further updates on the release date and more details about the upcoming special episodes!


The special Naruto anime episodes celebrating the 20th anniversary of the series are still in the works! While originally scheduled for release in September 2023, they were delayed to allow for improved animation quality.  

Recent updates from TV Tokyo indicate that these episodes are still planned for release within the current fiscal year, which ends in March 2025. This means we could see the return of Team 7 on a new mission sometime between now and early next year.

Stay tuned for more updates on the official release date and details about the upcoming special episodes!

I was wondering what the new anime was still going to be about and there are two new Naruto episodes to commemorate the show’s 20th anniversary. They were initially planned for September 2023 but were postponed to this year to include better animation in their production. According to the information obtained from TV Tokyo within the last week, these episodes are still scheduled for the current fiscal year, which ends in March 2025. What this means is that Team 7 could very likely come back in another mission sometime this year up to perhaps the early part of the following year.

All of our favorite special episodes of Naruto anime in honor of the show’s 20th birthday are still being created! They were initially planned to be launched in September 2023 but were moved ahead to give room to higher-quality animation. New information from the company that owns the TV Tokyo channel provides evidence that they are still targeting the airing of these episodes during this fiscal year, which ends in March next year, 2025. This means that there is potential for Team 7 to be brought back in a new mission somewhere between now and where the early parts of next year. Check back here soon for more information on the latest confirmations on the date of the special episodes, as well as more special episode preview information!

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